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Your Vacuum Superstore since 1987
All Top Brands
Sales - Service - Parts -Belts -Bags
605 Merchant Street, Ambridge, PA 15003 (724) 266-8250 (724) 775-1800
Weekdays 9 am - 6 pm Saturday 9 am - 3pm
We are the Pittsburgh Area's Most Experienced
Central Vacuum Installer and Servicer
We Deal with Every Brand, Make, and Model Ever Made
Our mission is to give you the Best Products, Value, and Service

Upright Vacuum Cleaners
Canister Vacuum Cleaners
Power Heads
Dry Carpet Cleaning
Suction Floor Polisher
Vacuum Cleaner Attachments
Vacuum Bags and Filters
SEBO Spare Parts

Bags are Better! – Top-fill, three and four-layer bags are an integral part of SEBO's filtration system because they hold virtually all dirt captured by the vacuum, which improves the effectiveness and useful life of the microfilters. They also ensure continuously strong suction because dirt enters from the top, deposits at the bottom, accumulates upward, and air exits through the sides, which allows unimpeded airflow as they fill to capacity. And they can be sealed when full, so no dust can escape into the air during bag removal and disposal.
In contrast, without bags to hold nearly all the captured dirt, the microfilters on bagless vacuums quickly clog from excessive dirt build-up and must be replaced often, or a loss of suction and cleaning effectiveness will occur. In addition, dust and other allergens become airborne when emptying bagless dirt containers. Lastly, bagless vacuum microfilters are expensive, usually costing more than a multi-year supply of SEBO filter bags.

"How many vacuums, dishwashers or refrigerators have you purchased in the last two years? Well, if you are like many Americans, you may have purchased as many as two or three vacuums, but your other major appliances have not yet needed to be replaced. Shouldn't vacuums be as durable and long lasting as your other major appliances? SEBO vacuums save ordinary residential users hundreds of dollars by providing excellent performance for ten to fifteen years or more, so six or seven "disposable vacuums" must be purchased during the average life expectancy of just one SEBO machine."

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